Must Read Books On Courtesy

Books On Courtesy - Thank You

If you’re looking for books on courtesy, there are plenty of great options out there for both children and adults.

Definition of Courtesy

Courtesy is a way of showing respect, consideration, and politeness towards others. It involves using good manners, being mindful of other people’s feelings and needs, and behaving in a way that is considerate and respectful. Courtesy can be demonstrated through small gestures such as saying “please” and “thank you,” holding doors open for others, and offering assistance when it is needed.

It can also involve using formal titles and language when interacting with people who hold positions of authority, and showing respect for the customs and traditions of different cultures. Ultimately, courtesy is about treating others with kindness and consideration, and recognizing their inherent dignity as human beings.

Books On Courtesy IMage
Courtesy is the oil that keeps the cogs of society turning – unknown

Books On Courtesy For Children

Books about courtesy for young children including kindergarten, infants and primary school age:

“The Magic Words: Please, Thank You, and Sorry” by Grace Maccarone
“The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule” by Stan and Jan Berenstain
“Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior” by Judith Martin
“My Mouth is a Volcano!” by Julia Cook
These books use stories, illustrations, and examples to teach children about the importance of using polite language, showing consideration for others, and apologizing when necessary. They are a great way to help children learn how to interact with others in a respectful and kind way.

Please and Thank You: A Pull-The-Tab Book: 2 (Pull and Play Books)

Baby to 3 years – This Play Book teaches social skills in a fun, age-appropriate way. Little crocodile, little kangaroo, little monkey, and their friends find out just why it is important to be polite in this book that features a pull-tab on every spread. Your child will enjoy pulling the tabs to change the pictures and reveal the good feelings that come from having good manners.

Well-Mannered Alexander: Children’s Book About Courtesy, Politeness, and Good Behavior Paperback

Ages 3 to 7 – Help your child understand why manners are important to have a good and pleasant day.
In this story of Alexander’s dinner party, children learn about manners. Manners can be holding the door open for someone else or saying, “Thank you,” when receiving presents or compliments.

Rhino Learns to be Polite – A book about good manners (Behaviour Matters)

Ages 4 to 7 : Rhino Learns to be Polite – A book about good manners (Behaviour Matters) by Sue Graves

Books On Courtesy For Adults

Non-fiction books you should read about courtesy for adults, young adults and teens include the following titles:

“A Courtesy Flush Goes a Long Way: 10 Courtesy Flushes to Clear the Air” by Ron Holloway

They’re right next to you in the stall. Yes, I’m talking on planes, trains and automobiles. Or in Fortune 500 companies, government offices, McDonalds and Ivy League schools. You’ve smelled it – that stinky, foul aroma..

“The Etiquette Advantage in Business: Personal Skills for Professional Success” by Peggy Post

A revised edition of a guide to professional etiquette counsels readers on how to forge successful, productive relationships with business associates, in a resource that covers such topics as handling conflicts, communicating effectively, and the latest rules in business entertaining. 35,000 first printing.

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Confucius Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

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