I Hate Running!

#ihaterunning must be something i used to feel. But it was the thought of going from A to B, wherever that was and then getting back to A again.
That was probably the worst bit. The knowing that I still had to get back to A.
But that’s not how I run.
I run in the general direction of X and then somehow Slingshot back to A.

It’s a windy Sunday Afternoon. No rain, but you can hear the wind as it traverses the branches in the old oak and chestnut trees.

It’s a windy Sunday Afternoon. No rain, but you can hear the wind as it traverses the branches in the old oak and chestnut trees.

I know I am rambling but I’ll continue (sorry about the path picture 🤭 )

I don’t actually mind running. In fact I am able to pat myself on the back for running as much.
Despite my gammy hand and leg. And my Internal GPS being a bit crap (used to be awesome!!).
— I almost wrote I was Proud of myself but retracted text —

Why am I running?
-The need for something different.
-To challenge myself.
-To be accountable?
-To prove I’m not a total gimpazoid.
-To be free.
-Not to be controlled.
-Because It’s not teaching.
-It’s simple.
I don’t need to think.
I am free to think.

Loads of stuff I guess.
What would I like to achieve?
Well, I have thought about just running.
See how far I can go.
Just open the door and go.

Maybe wait till Christmas. Go running for 2 weeks, see where I end up 🤣🤣

#ihaterunning #ansteypark #beuncomfortable #canthurtme #multiplesclerosis #redrunningshoesdiary #taekwon #taekwondo #hapki #hapkido #autoimmunication #autoimmunedisease #autoimmunedisorder 
#altomartialarts #altontkd #alton #autoimmunication #multiplesclerosis #ms #mymsismyms

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