Join The Gym

Why the hell did I join a gym?

I don’t like gyms, I don’t like using the equipment (unless there’s a kickbag). Well I needed to be pushed. A couple of three years ago I posted on Facebook “Who trains the trainer?”

Who trains me? Who checks my progress and corrects my Taekwon-Do? Well, nobody. I watch and I listen and read and I practiced. I have a knack of fixing things straight away.

Taekwon-Do Seminar

Every class I went to, every training session I went to, I ended up being asked/told to teach. For years now, seminars, classes, workshops… I was asked/told to teach.

That’s why I’m reluctant to attend anything these days.

“Teaching is part of learning”

Agreed, but Learning is part of learning and if you don’t get taught, guided, attention, pushed, motivated, then the enthusiasm starts to wane and your love for what you do begins crumble.

Back to the gym. I now have a personal trainer assigned to me. Twice per week following a programme to help me reach my goals. My diet, habits and training are being monitored.

But why the gym?
Why not hire a hall or go to the park and practice Hong Kong Phooey? Accountability!

Fatigue, weakness, balance, coordination, power are all being tested. My MS has its ideas, my memory has its ideas and my body is being pulled between the three.

What do I mean?

Memory: I remember how I used to train. I know what I was capable of and I believe, even at my age (51 as I write this), I should still be able to train hard, work hard and split a few lips!

Body: My Body wants to train hard, work hard and split a few lips and I don’t like giving up (stubborn streak!).

The MS, at least until I crack the code, has a hold on what I can achieve. It fatigues me and sometimes it pains me.

It is a cycle of Determination, Fatigue, Frustration, Anger, Defeat and it wear you down after a while. The So I needed a coach that would hold me accountable to physical exercise. I had asked a few people, some close, but I don’t think they understood what I needed nor why I was asking (I think this topic might be for another post). So I joined a local Gym for Private 1 on 1 Personal Training.

It’s not difficult to be the student, though initially it is frustrating because my body requires tuition. What I would have referred to as “Basic Compound movements” – are not so basic these days.

But I just have to Learn, How to Learn, How to do the movements, so that I can do the movements.


Repetition of movement helps you learn the movement. But first you have to learn how to learn.

But now I’m at the point where I need pushed MORE and the sessions have to be more dynamic or a faster pace, because I need to work harder! I’m sure my trainer will oblige 🙂

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